Therapeutic Modalities
Systemic perspective considers the interrelatedness of family history, current relationships, beliefs, and behaviors when looking at an individual. This framework also takes into account how replicating interactional patterns provoke, sustain and reward behaviors, roles, and interpersonal dynamics. Systems theory plays a key role in how we work with couples and families. |
The research of John Gottman, Ph.D. (formerly with the University of Washington, now The Gottman Institute) is unparalleled in the field of couples therapy. His work provides us with expansive and highly reliable data on what works and doesn’t work in relationships. According to Gottman, the couples that “work” are called “masters” and the couples that do not work are called ‘disasters”…. At CCFH, we utilize the research of Gottman as well as other theorists to help couples “master” the art of being in relationship thus improving their marital friendship and increasing intimacy in the relationship. |
Emotionally Focused Therapy (EFT) was developed by Dr. Susan Johnson from Ottawa, Canada. Dr. Johnson writes: “EFT focuses on creating and strengthening the emotional bond between partners by identifying and transforming the key moments that foster an adult loving relationship: being open, attuned, and responsive to each other.” A couple’s connection is about key emotional responses and emotional moments that define the relationship. Addressing the attachment patterns and wounds underlying the couples’ difficulties usually shifts the relationship into a deeper, richer, more intimate experience for both partners. |
Mindfulness is the practice of attending to the present moment with purpose and without judgment. It is also being aware of our own personal state (thoughts and feelings), and being open to experiencing the thoughts and feelings of others with respect to us. Mindfulness fosters compassion and empathy which nourishes relationships with self and others. |
The family environment we grow up in is technically our first social environment. Consequently, it shapes who we are and how we interact with and view the world. It determines how we get our needs met, and defines rules, roles, and boundaries for how we interact with others. Our family of origin (“FOO”) also strongly influences how we develop our belief systems. FOO therapy allows us to identify the belief structures we developed in childhood, how they influence our present life, and provide us the opportunity to reevaluate them through crafting positive changes as an adult. With FOO therapy, we stop intergenerational transmission and with each successive generation, we become more evolved than the last. |
Imago Theory comes primarily from the work of Harville Hendrix, Ph.D. and posits that we unwittingly choose our partners based upon their familiarity to our childhood caregivers or likelihood of helping us with our unfinished work. Our mates can be exquisitely “designed” to drive us to grow and change…or naught! Most couples present to therapy in the “naught” phase of their relationship. We help individuals within the couple identify their imagos and change their patterns of behavior accordingly. |
Dr. Murray Bowen (Georgetown University) was one of the founding fathers of family therapy. He, as well as the work of David Schnarch, Ph.D (Marriage & Family Health Center), are generally credited for the information we have on the topic of differentiation. They teach us that differentiation is about holding onto the “I” in the presence of a “we.” It is about finding a healthy place between fusion and distance. It is about managing and/or soothing anxiety in the face of conflict or differences; to the extent we are able to do this, we will be successful in relationship and likely achieve interdependence.
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